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Inner Kompass Course:Mapping your Personal Values$0

Imagine yourself:

Revealing your one-of-a-kind values and all that guides you. 

Prioritizing what matters to you most and bringing this into your daily life.

Understanding who you are beyond titles, labels, expectations and roles. (so as you go through change, you can find your center with more ease)

Taking intentional, sustainable steps forward in a direction aligned with your authentic self.

Connecting with your Inner Kompass and strengthening your self-trust.

This is what you get to experience with the Inner Kompass course!
Features include:

An approachable step-by-step process for bringing your unique values into your daily life.

3 hearty modules for Illuminating, Aligning and Mapping a life you love with your values. (creating the acronym, I AM) 

A creative blend of guided visualizations, creative exercises, coaching questions and practical resources.

Guidance for connecting with your inner kompass and incorporating your values into your daily flow, life roles and life work.

All neatly organized into a self-paced format with videos and downloadable playsheets.

Lifetime access to this course. Woohoo! (including any updates made)

  • Total payment
  • 1xInner Kompass course$0

All prices in USD

*anticipated time to complete = 6-8 hours